Price: $700.00
Product Code: SOL NITRO
Product Status: out of stock
The new emergency parachute from SOL combines the advantages of the traditional PDA-type reserves in terms of stability and no need of pilot intervention, with the characteristics of a Rogallo-type wing in glide and steering.
SOL dedicated over a year to develop this project of 2 in 1 reserve.
According to SOL, the new parachute behaves similarly to a traditional reserve if the pilot does not interfere, but if necessary the pilot can steer it with the controls that allow acceleration to produce the desired direction.
The Nitro also offers the advantage of quick inflation due to its small size, in addition to similar volume and weight to a traditional middle size reserve, between 2 and 2.2 kg.
The Nitro is completing the certification process in two sizes, 25 and 27, for up to 100 and 120 kg each. Its sink rate is between 4.2 and 3.8 m/s at maximum load.
The new SOL Nitro reserve is now available from Central Coast Paragliding, who are based one hour drive north from Sydney. Paul will offer a FREE repack with any purchase of the SOL Nitro.